Universität Bonn

Forum Internationale Wissenschaft

04. Dezember 2023

2. Roundtable Forced Migration Studies 2. Roundtable Forced Migration Studies

The second Roundtable Forced Migration Studies will take place on December 7, 2023 at the Bonn University Forum.

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The second Roundtable Forced Migration Studies will take place on December 7, 2023 in the Bonn University Forum. After the successful launch in May 2023, this event will strengthen the networking of researchers in Bonn and put the role of refugee research in policy advice up for discussion. The event is organized by Sandra Gilgan (BORA),
Lena Laube (FIW), Maarit Thiem (BICC) and Maria Ullrich (FIW) and will be held in English. Interested parties are welcome to contact llaube@uni-bonn.de .

Roundtable Forced Migration Studies
Roundtable Forced Migration Studies © Roundtable Forced Migration Studies
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